Delivery Methods
- In which pickup points can my order be delivered ?
- My order has been partially shipped
- How to Track My Delivery ?
- What happens if I am absent during the delivery ?
- I have not received my package, although it is marked as "Delivered" or "Delivered to a neighbor/concierge."
- I did not receive a delivery notice from the postal service
- The tracking number for my parcel is incomplete or not working ?
- My parcel is marked as 'pending pickup'; what does this mean ?
- I received a text message from the retailer, but my parcel is not there !
- According to the tracking information for my parcel, my address is incomplete
- I didn’t pick up my parcel in time. What should I do?
- I am unable to validate my delivery address.
- Can I change or modify an address or delivery method after my order has been confirmed?
- How do I have my order delivered and picked up via Click & Collect ?
- I haven’t received my parcel, even though it is marked as "delivered" or "delivered to the concierge or a neighbor."
- The address is indicated as "incomplete" in the tracking information. What should I do ?
- I was unable to pick up my parcel in time at the post office/merchant, and it has been returned to the sender. What should I do ?
- How do I have my order delivered via express delivery to my home ?